Frequently asked questions

Tooth Gems | Whitening | Contact Us

We’re a home business located in downtown Edmonton, Alberta. Exact address will be provided prior to your appointment.

We currently ship within Canada and the United States.

We sell supplies! Our quality products will help you in your entrepreneurship journey. Visit our contact page for more details.


How long do TOOTH gems last?

The average is 6-8 months with proper aftercare. Some may fall off before then and some may fall off after a year. Clients report well-kept gems have stayed on for over a year.

What kind of gems do you use?

We only use lead-free and toxin-free Swarovski tooth gems, locally made opal tooth gems and the highest quality 20k-24k gold tooth gems.


One to four gems takes about 25 minutes to apply. More complex designs can take up to 45 minutes.

Can I still whiten my teeth after getting tooth gems?

Yes you can! We suggest you get tooth gems before whitening your teeth.

Can I get my teeth cleaned by a dentist after getting a gem?

Yes. Your tooth gem will not get in the way of a routine dental cleaning. 

Can I eat or drink after getting a tooth gem?

No. Food and drinks are not permitted after getting a tooth gem for 2 hours.

Can gems be applied to veneers or false teeth?

No. Tooth gems only adhere properly to natural tooth (bone) tissue.

What causes a tooth gem to fall off?

Not following the aftercare, using your mouth to open stuff and eating/drinking habits will affect the longevity of your tooth gems. Gems can also fall off naturally which is fine.

Will gems harm my teeth?

Tooth gems will not cause any harm to your teeth when applied properly.

Can I remove my tooth gem?

Yes, book an appointment to remove unwanted gems. You can also get your gem buffed/polished off by your dentist.

What happens if I swallow a tooth gem?

All of our gems are lead free and toxin free to keep our clients safe. Should you swallow a tooth gem, it will naturally leave your body.

Can I still wear a retainer?

Metal retainers? Yes. Plastic/Invisalign? No, because they are made to fit your teeth and your retainer might not fit over the gem(s). Bring metal retainers with you to your appointment and we will gladly work around them!

What happens if my gem falls off?

If swallowed, our lead- and toxin-free gems will pass the natural way without harm. If you have adhesive residue on your tooth, it can easily be buffed off by a professional.


Do tooth gems interfere with whitening?

No! For customers getting both services, we always apply gems before the whitening session to ensure your gems are adhered properly. If your teeth were whitened recently, wait 2 weeks before adding gems.

Does whitening hurt?

Whitening will not cause pain when done properly. Your teeth may feel more sensitive for 24 hours afterwards. We recommend that you avoid super cold/hot drinks and foods.

Should I whiten my teeth before or after getting a tooth filling?

We suggest you whiten your teeth prior to getting a filling. Fillings are matched to tooth colour, so it is better to lighten your teeth first. This way, the filling will always match after future whitening sessions.

Are the results guaranteed?

No. Different factors such as genetics, a person's natural teeth whiteness as well as the type of staining can lead to different results.

What if I’m not happy with my results?

Come back to see us for a complimentary 30-minute touch-up two weeks after your appointment. Remember that some staining is more stubborn than others.

How long do teeth whitening results last?

Results typically last 6-8 months. Teeth will naturally stain over time, but smoking, vaping, and drinking caffeine can return staining more quickly.

Is whitening the same as a cleaning?

No, teeth whitening is cosmetic only.

How long until I can smoke after whitening?

We recommend you don’t smoke for 24 hours after your appointment. Smoking within that time will re-introduce staining much faster.

I’m pregnant, can I get teeth whitening?

No. Your unborn child could be affected if you accidentally ingest the whitening gel.

How soon can I get a touch-up?

We recommend you wait at least 2 months after your last whitening session to book your next appointment.